Clark Burt
5/21/2023 02:33:28 am
Tim, this post, ending with your insightful poem, needed to be written. It has been on my mind lately that our actions actually cause others to remain poor. Not so much because we don't contribute our gain to help them, but because Satan's economy is where we live and breath. It is His world afterall. Allowed by God to reign for a time. Repentance is to not only turn to Christ, but to turn away from the world. Hard to do when we are captured and enslaved by it. We must be delivered. But first we must be aware of where we are and desire to delivered. Pray to be delivered. Your poem captures this unawareness and our desire to remain.
Scott Robertson
5/21/2023 02:45:56 am
Rusty, For where you treasure is your heart is also. And more- Lord when saw thee in prison and visited thee not and naked and clothed the not and enhungered and feed thee not? For if ye have done it not into the least of these my brethren ye have done it not into me! Ye are found not on the right hand of God and are cast out! Uhmm! You could help a lot of the least with $150,000,000,000.00 USD. Just saying ...
Clark Burt
5/21/2023 12:48:46 pm
I wrote a comment earlier, but for some reason it did not post. I have been thinking a lot lately about what the Lord means by 'grinding upon the face of the poor.' I am reading a book entitled "Poverty, by America" and how the poor are needed to benefit those who have more. The US is 2nd to France in spending on social programs, but mostly to benefit those who need it the least. You have touched on how we, as part of the affluent, are totally unaware of how we contribute, usually just saying that the poor do nothing to help themselves. I cannot understand why the church hoards its money to make sure it can continue to fund it. I understand the history, but have now become, as you so creatively point out, dependant on mammon. Your poem captures our total lack of awareness of where we are, and how we are captured by Satan's economy. This is his world afterall, and we seem quite comfortable in it.
Sue Given
5/21/2023 04:42:42 pm
Perfectly articulated
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January 2025