Clark Burt
9/28/2022 09:02:03 am
My friend Mike once had a dream after an experience similar to yours. In his dream he saw people who had oil all over them and they were upset because it was messy and they couldn't wipe it off. He realized that the oil was light and truth for the virgins' lamps, but his Quorum members were not ready to receive so much light and truth. Sometimes we give them too much and it shouldn't surprise us if it gets messy. I have found also that sometimes it is better received (by one or two) if it is said by Nephi, Alma, Paul or Christ. Even Nephi was told to stop because he was saying too much. So what did he do? He let Isaiah say it. So I would not completely agree with Rob Smith. The word of God used as the Spirit dictates is much more effective in that it quiets the crowd so to speak and bears witness at the same time. And while not received by all because of ignorance, there will usually be one or two who hear it. Once from a comment by one of the quorum, I knew he heard and sent him a text with a few more scripture references. His response was all I needed.
Tim Merrill
9/28/2022 10:06:15 am
Clark, what a wonderful point you make about letting the Lord speak; it reminded me of Mormon, who said, "And I did endeavor to preach unto this people, but my mouth was shut, and I was forbidden that I should preach unto them . . . . But I did remain among them, but I was forbidden to preach unto them" (Mormon 1:17).
Clark Burt
9/28/2022 09:23:17 am
Me again with this:
Dan Burnside
10/26/2022 12:50:49 pm
I was sad to see that you didn't publish my comment warning about Rob Smith. I think having the option to post a comment and then censoring what you don't agree with leaves the blog comment option near worthless, don't you think?
Tim Merrill
10/26/2022 01:23:05 pm
Hi Dan:
Dan Burnside
10/28/2022 01:13:25 pm
Thanks for letting me know that. Not sure why it didn't come through.
Tim Merrill
10/30/2022 01:35:30 pm
Dan: Leave a Reply. |
AuthorTim Merrill Archives
January 2025