5/17/2024 07:00:33 pm
In all sincerity, thank you for your willingness (along with many others) to call out to the people in the same fashion as Lehi in1 Nephi 1: 4 “there came many prophets, prophesying unto the people that they must repent, or the great city Jerusalem must be destroyed…” for 1 Nephi 5:14: “…the Spirit of the Lord ceaseth soon to strive with them; for behold, they have rejected the prophets, and Jeremiah have they cast into prison.”
5/28/2024 04:08:35 pm
GCNESLO, thanks for mentioning Jeremiah 7, what an amazing text, I'm glad you brought it into the conversation! The funny thing, as I've pondered on all of this, is how much I love sacred spaces, sacred buildings, sacred ritual, sacred teachings--I would have made a good monk, ensconced with my holy books in the cathedrals of yore, performing Mass; but the problem is that we've taken these wonderful, educative, enriching things and made them (temples, covenants, ordinances, prophets) into salvific essentials (read: idols), which, if we believe they are essential, render Christ's work incomplete and unsatisfactory.
Clark Burt
5/19/2024 01:35:18 pm
"For Israel hath forgotten his Maker, and buildeth temples." They are not called prophets for nothing! Thank you for introducing me to Hosea Chapter 8. I love Hosea, but had never focused on this chapter as you have in this post. What is the most common photo posted on social media by many Latter-day Saints? A picture in front of a temple.
6/6/2024 03:12:01 pm
Thank you for the scriptures you shared, Hosea, etc.. Also for your labors and time you spend writing your thoughts/blog.
Tim Merrill
6/6/2024 05:10:09 pm
Ryan, thank you. I appreciated your reference to President Nelson's new book. Funny story, there are only two blog posts I have deleted from Owl of the Desert (at the request of a family member who felt they were too critical of the Church) -- one of them was about President Nelson's book (you can still read the poem I included in that post, though, "Work Out Your Salvation," https://www.owlofthedesert.com/work-out-your-salvation.html).
6/19/2024 04:02:14 pm
You are welcome to use that statement to make bumper stickers. Just as long as you send me one. ;) Leave a Reply. |
AuthorTim Merrill Archives
January 2025